Thursday, December 1, 2011


Written by: Nuraddeen Ali Balarabe (SMS/10/MAC/00846) 
Hooliganism refers to unruly destructive,aggressive and bullying behavior. In other words,Hooliganism can be explained as the act of
creating violence in the society mostly by the youth who are called 'Hooligans' and many different types of names were given to them
depending on the society they belong to. 
In our area for example, we call these youth as 'Yan kwace'. These youth the means of violence to
sieze people's property such as cell phones, jeweleries, money etc in
our area (katsina road, fagge LGA Kano). Whoever ever lives in this
area is aware that whenever it is about 7:00 o'clock in the evening,he
or she must be careful with how to make a movement in the area and
failure to do so may result him to be a victim of these youth. 
I was opportune to interview one of the dwellers of this area who is a
father and a family man about this incessant happening of this
devilish act and He said that most of these boys that engaged in this
unhealthy behavior are under-aged ones and He blamed the parents of
these about their nonchalant attitude towards the maintaining well
upbringing of their children.
He also said politicians too play a vital role in destructing the good behavior of these youth. He finally
suggested that for this negative behavior to be a thing of history in
this society of ours,parents should pay an utmost priority in their
children's behavior as they are answerable to God over it. However,
if the people of this should come together and work collectively, this
act of hooliganism will definitely be a thing of history. Government
too has a very big role to play in changing this negative behavior of
these boys in our society there by providing them with job
opportunities, education and so on and so forth.

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