Written By: Hussaina Mati
On passing throug the gate of the main campus called the new site,
the beautiful flowers will attract the new comer, as if all is well.
However, the condition of other infrastructure will certainly paint a
different picture altogether.
The cool atmosphere on the main site will surely be paint a rosy picture for someone who
is not curious enough to dig more into other aspects, where the
situation is not worth writing home about.
To buttress this point a 200 level student who has been in the
institution for some years, having udergone a diploma course, He said
there are even worse things in the university. He also said that one
can imagine, for example , there are no toilet for student in the
campus, unless one goes back to the hostels.
In the industrial chemistry laboratory, examples are courses which are
in dire need of equipment, but which unfortunately are not available.
The university is in a sorry state, especially with the maintenance of
hostels and common rooms a forgotten issue.
Electricity supply to the university is an amalgam of the power from
the mains and standby generator, which is swtched between the
university staff quarters and the school premises.
Also the welfare of the staff is not being catered for,hence the non
performing attitude of many. If the government would not be more
serious, then the universities would continue to degenerate
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